Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monsoon season in the desert

I am the journal-ing, blogging...really anything that has to do with documenting my life.

But lately I have been having this strong desire, a strong push to do it, to write something. And I want to full fill that. I want to set a goal to update just for my self on here twice a week...

On a other note...its been hot and rainy (really its only rained two days out of the month) but the rain here is crazy. It rains a whole bunch in just a few hours and then floods everything. We had a local park behind our house fill up so much that we had people out riding their jet skies on it. It was pretty cool.

So far we still love Arizona. Ryan and I are still shocked at how unbelievably hot it is and we are almost to October. Not sure how this winter is going to be (I am sure very dramatically different from Idaho). We are supposed to have a week in the 80's next week, we are so excited because after months of 115, 80 degrees sounds heavenly.

Ryan received his diploma in the mail the other day, that makes him an official grad with an official job! I truly cannot believe that we are graduates, actual grown ups, expected to do grown up things. Often we talk about how weird that is, it feels like just yesterday we were just meeting and worrying about making straight A's and impressing our teachers. And now, we have four chinchillas, living in the desert, making lots of decisions.

Believe it or not, we are certainly missing Idaho. Something I honestly never thought I would miss. There are times where we talk about maybe going back live. But who knows where we will be. Ryan's job looks like it will keep us here for the next five years at least. After that, who knows.

Over all though its been wonderful. We have enjoyed the past few months here and look forward to what the future brings.